Saturday 21 November 2009

The T Word

I've been spending alot of time on you tube recently, with there being such a big FTM community on there, I've had alot of catching up to do. One of my friends posted a video about starting a collaborative channel for transguys on there as many of the current collab channels don't have any openings right now.

But this got me thinking, I'm not a big fan of making videos. As I've said before, I find it easier to get my point across in a blog. But in my time online, I haven't seen (not to say there aren't any!) a collaborative blogs for transguys. So I decided to make one.

It's called The T Word, original I know! But this is an invite to whomever is reading to have a look, and if your a transguy, to contribute also. So please do pass on the link to others and help to spread the word a bit.

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