Sunday 22 November 2009


I hate them. I despise them. I abhor them. I can't think of a word strong enough to describe my contempt for therm. The wretched monthly slap in the face from mother nature that goes 'YOUR'E STILL A WOMAN!'. I fucking loathe them.

Except for me, it's not always every month, sometimes it's sooner, I long for the day it's never. I suffer with them, not just the wretched indignity of bleeding uncontrollably, the embarrassment and mental anguish, but I get alot of physical pain. The women in my family have always suffered alot with them. I get sickness and diarrhoea, my gut is just completely thrown out of sync, I can't seem to stay warm and I pretty much loose the will to live.

I have absolutely zero desire to be pregnant. The concept is entirely alien to me, I just want these wretched organs gone, I have absolutely no need for them. That's not to say I wouoldn't like a family one day, but even as a child, I knew I would never be pregnant.

Now, when it comes to work, as I've mentioned the kind of work I want to do is a heavy physical job. It's what would typically be catagorised as "man's work". Being female bodied, I'm immediately considered to be at a disadvantage. I have to work against that. So, calling in sick for a week, every three weeks because it feels like my guts are falling out, is not an option.

Bio guys really have no idea just how lucky they are.

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